Monday, August 11, 2008

I have moved.

Yes, I know. I'm annoying.

Find me now at:

I've wanted to move onto wordpress for a while now, for various reasons. The only reason I wasn't was because I didn't want people to have to go through the hassle of updating their links for me and such. But, in the end, the allure of wordpress was too strong. Maybe it was its ability to tell me how people found my posts, or its manly manner of taking charge, and sending my entries to google. Or its coy grin as it gives me a line graph of what got read when. Ah, wordpress, you have swayed my heart.

Goodbye blogger. I am sorry that I was weak and could not be more faithful. I hope we could still be friends? I am leaving this blog here, so that people know where to find me. I hope you don't mind. Don't worry, my liebling, there are other bloggers in the vast series of tubes.

Anyway, friends of mine, please update your blogrolls with the new address. Readers, please update your bookmarks. New people, please click that link and see what blogger gave up by not being attentive to my needs.