Sunday, June 29, 2008

Side note:

On a related note to me being drunk last night, Wendy's promise that it will stay open till 1 a.m. is misleading and slightly annoying. When you read that statement you would think "oh, ok, so I have till 1 a.m. to get there until they lock the door." Wrong. You have till 12:30 a.m. to get there. And you better eat fast, because they'll kick you out at 12:45.

Last night I ate on top of a City Paper news box. It was a new experience for me.

I am an understanding person. When they told me to leave, I left without a fuss, because hell it's 12:45 in the morning and they wanted to get home. I just wish if they were planning on locking the door at 12:30 (we were the very last people to get in, they literally locked the door behind us), Wendy's would advertise that so people would know to leave their bars and get to Wendy's quicker, and not think they had extra time. There were about five people who tried to get inside after us last night. Two of which actually looked at their watch after trying the door.

I should note that I'm ranting about this not because it happened to me last night, but because its happened to me at least four different times now, at two different Wendy's locations in the city. Don't advertise about how awesome you are for staying open till 1 a.m., if you won't actually do it.

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